Poetry Reading from 「西に向かう」Nishi-ni Mukau
@ 阿佐ヶ谷 ギャラリー白線
企画: JET POET 有志の会
18:00 START
11/3〜11/17 まで同会場で開催されているビルギット・クラスゴー展「The Mountain of Sadness – in commemoration of Kinya Tsuruyama 悲しみの山 – 鶴山欣也を偲んで」に併せ、鶴山欣也氏の詩集「西に向かう」に掲載されている詩を、代わる代わるリーディングするイベントです。リーディングしたい方は 17:30 までに会場に集まってください。どなたでも参加いただけます。また、リーディングと共に、JET POET 有志の会による即興音楽の演奏も行います。リーディングだけでなく、演奏に加わりたい人、踊りたい人も、どうぞお集まりください。途中からのジャンプインも歓迎致します。
In conjunction with the Birgit Kjærsgaard exhibition “The Mountain of Sadness – in commemoration of Kinya Tsuruyama,” which is being held at gallery HAKUSEN from 3rd Nov to 17th Nov, the event will feature readings of poems from Kinya Tsuruyama’s poetry collection, “Nishi ni Mukau”. Those who wish to read are asked to be at the venue by 17:30. Anyone is welcome to attend. Along with the readings, the JET POET Volunteer Group will perform improvised music. Please come and join us not only for the reading, but also if you would like to join in the performance or dance. Jumping in mid-performance is also welcome.
なお、会場で詩集の販売(税込 ¥1,000) も行っております。
In addition, we are also selling poetry collections (tax included ¥ 1,000) at the venue.
We look forward to your participation.